
After developing a handful of Nuxt applications, you have probably found yourself referring back to previous projects to copy and paste stuff across. You've also probably installed and configured the same modules more than once.

How many times have you copied across ESLint, Prettier, Jest or Babel configs? What about ignore files for these tools? Globbing patterns to lint and test your code? Configuring Husky and Lint Staged to put these tools to work before you commit your code?

How many times have you installed @nuxtjs/axios, @nuxtjs/pwa or webfontloader?

If the answer to some of these questions is "quite a few" then Nuxt Stack might appeal to you with it's DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles.

Why nuxt-stack over create-nuxt-app?

create-nuxt-app addresses many of these problems by providing a CLI for generating project templates with all the files, dependencies and configuration you need to get going. This saves a lot of time, but it veers away from the minimal origins of nuxt that makes it so awesome.

There's something deeply satisfying about starting a new Nuxt project from scratch with nothing but nuxt as a dependency and a pages directory with a single index.vue file in it. There's so much going on behind the scenes when you run nuxt from the command line—but you barely need think about it. Nuxt takes care of wiring up Webpack, Babel and Vue for development and production with routing, SSR and static site generation thrown in the mix. The DX (developer experience) is fantastic.

However, as soon as you start integrating and configuring tools like ESLint, Prettier and Jest...or installing staple modules like @nuxtjs/axios and @nuxtjs/pwa Nuxt's zen starts to fade a little.

Nuxt Stack attempts to remedy this by assembling a suite of popular plugins and setting up the development tools needed to lint, format and test your application.

But rather than flooding the project with files and dependencies, Nuxt Stack attempts to walk in Nuxt's footsteps by hiding away as much configuration as possible. Some config files are still required in order for your IDE to give you linting and formatting hints, but these configs are very minimal since they inherit from Nuxt Stack presets like the ones below.

// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
  extends: ["nuxt-stack"]
// .prettierrc.js
module.exports = require("prettier-config-nuxt-stack")

The aspiration of Nuxt Stack is to complement the developer experience of Nuxt while delivering a highly performant yet minimal PWA template project out of the box.

Much like Nuxt, every aspect of Nuxt Stack can be configured, turned on or off as required. If you don't like parts of the ESLint or Prettier config you can overwrite them. If you don't need some of the plugins you can disable them. The baseline configuration of Nuxt Stack is the result of developing numerous Nuxt applications and identifying the commonalities between them.

Finally, Nuxt Stack adds a number of commands to Nuxt's CLI for performing common tasks such as linting, formatting and testing. Alongside nuxt build and nuxt generate you can do things like nuxt lint, nuxt format and nuxt test. These commands proxy to ESLint, Prettier and Jest respectively, but are preconfigured to work with the Nuxt app project structure, resolve path aliases and support Vue Single File Components when writing tests.

Why SASS over Stylus or PostCSS?

Prettier doesn't currently support Stylus and some flavours of PostCSS custom syntax.

SASS was chosen as the default CSS preprocessor due to it's popularity, maturity, stability and formatting support from Prettier.

What about LESS? Though Prettier does support LESS, SASS is the more popular of the two.


Nuxt Stack isn't doing anything special with SASS. It simply lists node-sass and sass-loader as dependencies so they don't need to be installed alongside nuxt-stack. This keeps project dependencies nice and lean from the outset.

If you're happy to forgo formatting from Prettier or would prefer to use LESS, simply install the CSS preprocessor and Webpack loader of your choosing as you normally would.

Why Jest over AVA?

  1. Performance
  2. Popularity
  3. Industry adoption